Sunday, September 30, 2012


Just a quick post because I really don't have anything of my own to share.  If you happen to be looking for inspiration - check out LisaUT's photobucket.  She has some of the most beautiful stitching - many (if not most) of the Mirabilia Designs stitched beautifully as well as some Marilyn Leavitt-Imblum designs and others.

Happy Stitching!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

All pinned and ready to go

It raining and windy today.  Its actually a nice change of pace.

I worked on pinning Whoo's There.  He's all pinned and ready to lace up.

I just need to find a good trim and he'll be all set.

Happy Stitching!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Forest for the Trees or Squirrel for the Nuts

So can you see the forest for the trees - or in this case, the squirrel for the nuts?  You might have to squint and cross your eyes a bit.  Oh - and imagine the front part of him too (which is currently missing).  This is French Country Squirrel from JBW Designs.  Like the other French Country designs it is made up of a bunch of small motifs. In this case there are a bunch of autumnal designs - the tiny squirrel is especially cute.

The weather here has been just perfect.  It has been very dry and crisp.  And - the leaves are starting to change.  Thank goodness.  I was beginning to worry that we might have a fall and winter like last year.  I don't think I could handle another Snowtober.

When picking up our CSA share at the farm last week I was chatting with a friend.  It is a small farm with a small dirt parking lot.  We were amazed at the trouble people were having driving through the parking lot because they were having to dodge the crazy squirrels and chipmunks.  We were joking around about it when the farmer walked by and asked - "Didn't we chat about the chipmunks last year?".  We had chatted about the chipmunks last year because they kept eating my cherry tomatoes.

So we all sat down and continued our chat while eating some the best apples ever.  Russell, our favorite farmer, pointed out that it was very late in the season when I was complaining about the chipmunks - late September.  The squirrels and chipmunks that we were watching in the parking lot and scampering over the stone walls were all carrying nuts or one kind or another.  Russell pointed out that the squirrels should be gathering nuts at this time of the year.  Last year the squirrels were still eating fruit (my tomatoes) at the end of September.  They hadn't switched over to nuts to prepare for the winter.  In hindsight, its pretty clear that the squirrels knew we weren't going to have a real winter.   So, if we are going to learn anything from that, I would say we're going to have a humdinger of a winter this year.  I haven't seen the squirrels gathering nuts this frantically in years.

With all that in mind, I am stocking up on projects.  I found the most gorgeous sweater pattern on Ravelry - called Fireside Sweater designed by Amber Allison.  I haven't knit anything that intricate in quite a while - but it is really beautiful.  That could very well take me all winter without doing any other projects but I fully expect to be stitching as well.  Now I am choosing my stitching projects for autumn and winter.  It is certainly easier now that so many of the fabrics that had been back-ordered for months are available again.  I am trying to decide between a big project or maybe a bunch of smaller ones.  Either way - I'm not planning anything on fabric that is very dark just in case we lose power for great lengths of time again.  It is brutal trying to see that dark linen with only a few light bulbs running on a generator.  And, who knows, we might be needing that generator again.  I'll have to see what I can come up with.

Happy Stitching everyone!

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Goodbye Summer

Goodbye summer. Even though our kids were among the last to go back school (at least for the public schools around here), I still wasn't really ready to call it quits on summer vacation. But, now it is pretty quiet around here and it looks like it is going to be cool outside all week and I guess I have to accept that summer is done.

 I have really no new stitching to show. For the last two weeks of summer we had a lovely visit from my Mom and we kept really busy. One of the highlights of her visit was a trip to New York City. Boy did we cram a whole lot into just a couple of days - Grand Central Station, American Museum of Natural History, Empire State Building, New York Public Library, Rockefeller Center, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Central Park - and more. I can't remember the last time my feet were that tired. We all had a great time though - especially the boys.

 My finishing month didn't really qualify as a finishing month. Other than my Moonlit Kitties, nothing was completely finished. I tried mounting my dragonly twice - neither method really worked. At this point, I'm not sure I am going to be able to frame it. I'm open to other ideas for finishing it. Both mounting attempts took a long time and there was the time required to undo my first attempt. My second attempt still needs undoing.

 I still have Whoo's There to finish but that should be easier. Here's a pic of Whoo's There waiting for the iron to warm up.  (Please excuse the poor photo - my phone takes better pics than my camera.)
I wish I had used Cocoa Bean or Tangerine Crescent Colours floss for the brown or orange.  Then I could have used the coordinating rick-rack which would have been really cool.  But - I didn't think of that until it was done.  I do plan to stitch one of the JBW Designs Christmas trees with Poblano Pepper floss so that I can use the rick-rack when I finish it into an ornament.  

I hope everyone has had a lovely summer and Welcome Fall!

Happy Stitching