Thursday, January 17, 2013

Magic Reindeer

I thought I posted a pic of my finished Magic Reindeer but I can't find the post so apparently it was a dream.  This is Magic Reindeer from Alessandra Adelaide Needlework.  I stitched it over one with one thread on 32 count Jobelan.  Even over one, it is a big design - more than 8" on each side.  It is almost all one color - except for his nose.  The beads called for Mill Hill Frosted beads but those seem a little big - however the bead color perfectly matches the floss. It was pretty easy stitching and I love the little ornaments and snowflakes hidden in his body.  I plan to finish it as a pillow with a border to match the thread color and maybe a bit of red trim.

I really enjoyed stitching this and I'll look to stitch more of her designs.  Maybe the Luck Banner with shamrocks or one of her Halloween designs.  Her Skull Banner and Spider Banner have been really popular.

Both of these designs as well as many more of her designs are available at  However, there are a number of her designs - especially trees and some more abstract designs that you'll have to order from European shops.  They are definitely worth checking out.

Happy Stitching!


Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Snow Angels

I've told my younger son that making a snow angel and then getting up from making a snow angel without messing it up with a footprint or a handprint in the middle of it is an important life skill.  The cool part is that my entire backyard will be covered with snow angels - some better than others.  And, my boy will sleep well tonight.

This is my Giggles in the Snow finished into a wall hanging.  There aren't many cute boy designs out there so I really like this one.  I like the colors in the girl counterpart too so I'll probably stitch her at some point as well.

The Giggles in the Snow chart is from Mirabilia Designs and it is still available.  Here's a pic with both the boy and the girl.  You can get the chart at

Happy Stitching!

Wednesday, January 02, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everyone.  I hope everyone had wonderful holidays and is settling back into the old routine.  It is cold here and we've already had some snow which makes it more wintery than last winter ever got.   The only snow we had last year was in October and it knocked out our power for more than a week!

I still have to get photos of the little bit of stitching that I was able to do during the holidays.  We've had the flu make its way through the whole family and it really knocks you for a loop.  It took nearly two whole weeks to feel mostly better and I still can't get rid of the "lingering cough".

I'm planning for evenings at home stitching and maybe a few snow days at home stitching and stocking up my stash.  I've found a few good projects and I'm fishing around for a few more.  I hope lots of folks out there are hunkering down and doing the same.

Off I go to sift through the stash for more ideas.  Happy New Year!